The author of this great book, Kuukua Maurice Ankrah, shows through her life that the Holy Ghost is personal and practical. He is personal because He has a relationship with believers on a one-to-one basis. He lives in us, speaks to us, speaks through us and acts through us. This personal relationship with believers is not limited to pastors and other individuals who are publicly recognised or associated with the five-fold ministry. He does not only operate among believers in large groups but also deals with us personally.

The Holy Ghost is practical because He is involved in our simple as well as complicated day-to-day activities. He is not abstract but His wisdom and power are applicable in real life situations. The so-called spiritual matters of life are not the only areas of our lives in which the Holy Ghost functions. He is involved in even the smallest issues of our lives.


Our Lord Jesus Christ assures believers that the Holy Ghost guides us into all truth. He does not guide us into only spiritual or major things but also physical and minor things.

“I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.” John 16:12-15

In this book, Kuukua has given us many instances of the involvement of the Holy Ghost in her life as well as His involvement in the lives of other individuals. She is sensitive to the Holy Ghost and settled in Him. She deliberately and involuntarily allows Him in every aspect of her life. I urge you to read this book page by page and receive the inspiration to make the Holy Ghost part of your life. As you are led and controlled by the Holy Ghost your life will be easier and more fruitful.

Invite the Holy Ghost into your life and surrender to Him in prayer.



Eastwood Anaba

President, Eastwood Anaba Ministries


It’s like a tree planted by the rivers of water. Kuukua has sprouted and grown, very well. I saw this potential in her years back. It was as though she had this big void which she wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Our God, in His sovereign will, made our paths to cross at the Asbury Dunwell Church, then located at the Methodist Headquarters.

The book is full of revelations of a person filled with the Holy Spirit.

The young believer from the Protestant divide, who was in a dilemma and yearning to know the move of the Holy Spirit, has now received a lot of practical knowledge of fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit; real hands-on practical knowledge as to what to do and what not to do.


On the issue of prayer, Kuukua illustrates the right application of speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is a sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit. It enables the believer to pray uninterrupted and without interference. It produces a lot of revelations and edifies the believer; gifts of grace and spiritual utterances become part and parcel of the believer’s ministry. It increases the flow of the anointing in the believer. What would have happened to the spiritual growth of Kuukua if she had not found this mystery? I know what would have happened: she wouldn’t be sharing these sumptuous testimonies with us.

Her teaching ministry has been enhanced; I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her for the itinerant ministry because of what I see. This is the vessel the Lord has plucked and has prepared for the world to feast on for Spiritual growth. Her background can be likened to Paul whom the Lord used to appeal to millions. The book explains in plain and practical terms what the Holy Spirit does through a vessel that is yielded and available.

What a blessing the book has been in igniting the fire that was lit in me some years back. I strongly recommend the book to every believer who is willing to fan into flame the imparted gift of the Holy Spirit.


Rev. Paul Adu

Resident Minister, St. Peter Methodist
Society, Mile 7, New Achimota


“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Revelations 12:11

The book of Acts is often described as a book about the acts and activities of the first apostles, after Jesus left them. To me, it is really a book about the acts of the Holy Spirit, who was the sole enabler of those followers of Jesus who willingly availed themselves as Available Vessels, to be used by HIM the Holy Spirit. It is a book loaded with compelling testimonies which serve to inspire and motivate us as believers today. Too few of us realise that the same Holy Spirit who worked so powerfully in them is still with us and indeed dwells in us, and seeks to continue His work through us, doing the same works He did in the early church. And He does so to validate our witness, as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ…a living Christ, who is the same yesterday, today and forevermore.


The twenty-eight books of the Acts of the Apostles in the Bible tell a compelling story. But it does not end with chapter 28. Indeed, all of us, who are partakers of God’s amazing grace, have a compelling need to add a chapter or two of our own to this catalogue of compelling testimonies in our lifetime.

In her book, An Available Vessel, the author Kuukua Maurice Ankrah adds sixty-seven compelling chapters of her own, each of which will introduce you, awaken you, encourage you, inspire you, and motivate you to walk with undoubtedly Her best friend – The Holy Spirit.

I started reading testimony after testimony, and honestly could not put the book down, except to break for a Thanksgiving service at a friend’s church, which added validity to Kuukua’s book in many ways as I sat through. It was an amazing church service dedicated to testimonies of thanksgiving to God, and as person after person stood up to share their real life’s encounter with the power of Holy Spirit, one felt a sense of wanting nothing short of more and more of the Holy Spirit’s presence in his life, in every part of this life’s journey. And it is the same with Kuukua’s book, as you will happily discover.

Kuukua’s style is equally compelling. In her typically straightshooter manner, Kuukua writes not as the Lawyer she is by profession, but in the simple language that is easy to follow and difficult to stop reading − the way the Holy Spirit speaks. Her testimonies are sincere and impactful; because they are hers, and are told as inspired by Him. She is brutally frank in her accounts, told without embellishment, which reflect the author’s integrity, and bring much credibility to the truths she shares. Jesus said, we will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. Thankfully, Kuukua ends each chapter with an important life’s lesson from her encounter with the Holy Spirit, which will enhance your insights into how the Holy Spirit works in our everyday life. Everybody will find something to relate to and to carry home in their heart.

Kuukua is kind enough to give us significant details of her own background and upbringing, which gives the reader useful insights into the ways the Holy Spirit works in an ordinary person’s life to bring transformation, meaning and purpose. Her journey in life entails many important phases in each of which God was revealing His purpose. Here are many phases to Kuukua’s life. She is so candid and practical about the scenes of her life, we will all find one or two almost identical to our own we can relate with.The diversity of experiences that Kuukua has had in her rather young life, and the many encounters with different people who came her way, give credibility to a God who has the details of our lives planned to the letter, and always reveals His glory in available vessels, though we don’t understand it all at the beginning. He has brought along Kuukua’s journey, family, friends, people of high- and low-standing, politicians, prayer partners, Presidents, church leaders, prophets and ordinary folk, all of whom came her way by no mere chance or coincidence, but by the careful orchestration of the Holy Spirit who clearly has our destinies all worked out before we were created.

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

And Kuukua testifies to the great joy she has, as the Holy Spirit continually reveals God’s plans and purposes to her life, and how even she, from relative obscurity, born on a beautiful rainy day in 1974, can be so transformed by the Holy Spirit, and be used as an available vessel to bring bright sunshine and spiritual blessings to many more in their cloudy day. His blessings include gifts, including this book that she brings to the Body of Christ. I personally testify revelational gifts operating in Kuukua’s life.

This book will ignite a prayer life in you, that will help you experience for yourself the miracle-working power of the Holy Spirit. His works in her marriage, in the birth of her children, in her professional development, and encounter with politics, just to name a few, will inspire you. It would be an act of grave injustice to this wonderful book to single out three of the most impactful testimonies to me.This is because each and every one of the many testimonies Kuukua shares carries very significant life’s lessons with weighty impacts for you and me, which serve to bring us a renewed love for God, and a quality, sincerity and depth of fellowship with Kuukua’s best friend −The Holy Spirt. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, in a new and profound way, after reading this book. Let it be your personal experience each time you recite it, so you will also add your own book or two to the book of Acts.


Dr George Prah

National President, Full Gospel Businessmen’s
Fellowship International, Ghana (2010-2021)

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