Dave Roberson, I call you by name as though we were friends. No, we were not. I didn’t know you and you didn’t know me either but oh what a blessing you have been to me.

On the 3rd of February 2022, Kobla Glymn called to break the news of your passing. I was broken. I cried uncontrollably as though I had lost a dear friend. Maybe that is how I have felt over the last decade that I have been ‘ministering’ with your book ‘The Walk of the Spirit, the walk of Power’.

I had been fantasising these last few weeks on the best way to send you a copy of this book when it is published. I had been thinking of what to tell you for you to truly appreciate the impact your hook ‘The Walk of the Spirit, the walk of Power’ has had on me and many others who have had the privilege of reading it.

I so much looked forward to you reading all the testimonies we have had to share but alas, it was not meant to be.

God always knows best and He certainly had better plans for you than I did.

Rest well man of God. Sleep on until we meet again.

Fare Thee well.


Note of gratitude to Bishop Emeritus Joseph Nyarko Antwi

Bishop Emeritus Nyarko, I am indebted to you.

I thank you so much for the time you have invested in my life personally, and that of my family in the last 8 years. The role you played in the birth of my son Samuel is greatly appreciated . I can never tell the story of the birth of my children without mentioning your name.

May the good Lord bless you and keep you. May you never lack any good thing. May the Lord sustain you and grant you long life and peace.

I thank you Bishop Emeritus Joseph Nyarko Antwi. You are a true example of humility and loyalty and I am honored to be associated with you. I deem it a privilege indeed.

May my God bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

Live long and prosper Bishop. Amen.

A note of gratitude to Auntie Matilda ( Mrs Matilda Amissah-Arthur)

Auntie Matilda, may the good Lord bless you and keep you.

I am very grateful for all the pieces of advice you have given me over the years.

Your love and care can never be underestimated.

I say a very big thank you for every single thing you have ever done for me.

God bless you in fact and indeed. Live long and prosper πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ πŸ™πŸΏ


EA, what can I say? Many of my life experiences, especially my flirtation with Politics may not have happened but for the singular thing you did: introduce me to Tony Lithur.

God bless you for being there for me all these years. I am truly grateful.

Live long and prosper.

Mr Lithur

I spent only three years working with you but I gained a life time friend and brother.

God bless you for being an awesome boss and senior. I can never write the story of my career without mentioning you. You are greatly appreciated.

Live long and prosper πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

Bishop Obodai

Bishop, thank you. Both my children were named by you and dedicated to the Lord by you.

You have played various roles in my personal life, my marriage and my family as a whole.

I appreciate you Bishop. God bless you.

Adwoa sika

Adwoa sika, our God has been faithful. Thank you for introducing me to the Sunny Fm Prayer CafΓ© Lunch Time Prayer meeting.

Over the years, the Lord has taught us a lot and shown us great mercies.

My spiritual life is incomplete without me specifically mentioning you.

May the good Lord grant every secret desire of your heart and grant you peace and joy all the days of your life.

May my God bless you abundantly.

Kojo Asante-Abedi

Kojo Asante-Abedi, thank you for introducing me to the Happiest People on Earth.

It is a great family and I have learnt so much in just a few years of joining the Fellowship.

May you receive a crown from the Most High for that singular act which has brought me many blessings.

God bless you and grant you the desires of your heart as you continually delight in Him


Kobla, wow, what can I say? If we both only knew what giving me the Dave Roberson book on that fateful day would do. You have been a source of great encouragement and sweet fellowship with the Holy Spirit over the years. May the oil upon your life increase with each passing day. God bless you Kobla, God bless you real good.

Prophet Prince

Prophet Prince, thanks so much for that word in January 2015. It made all the difference in the war between the Kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of light. May your Ministry grow in leaps and bounds. Amen

Dr Kyei

Dr Kyei, God bless you. It is because of the topic you raised that fateful day in July 2018 that I got the idea for Life Support Ghana. God bless you for availing yourself to be used as part of the process to set up the Company and to help train the people of Ghana in emergency preparedness. May the good Lord Himself reward you .

Emmanuel Mensah

Emma, God bless you. From 2017 until now, you have been the family’s official photographer. There is not a single day I have called you that you have refused to come. Even when I inform you late about a programme and you are already engaged, you make alternative arrangements to enable you come and cover my programme. May my God bless you.

Paul Kelly Duvoh

Paul, what can I say? You have been awesome. You are credited with creating the websites of all my companies and even this one. You have very creative ideas and great suggestions all the time to enrich whatever we are working on. Many have commented on the beautiful cover of the Book and you are responsible for that. God bless you for all the sleepless nights you keep to beat deadlines . May you never lack in your life. Amen.

Peter Konadu

Peter, you are blessed. You have been responsible for all my video recordings since 2017 when we got acquainted. The virtual launch of this book would not have been possible without the great work and effort you put in to produce the video. I have never seen you with any other expression on your face except a smile. You exude joy and hope and I am grateful to you for everything you have done for me over the years. May joy and peace be your portion all the days of your life.

Ambassador Lee Ocran & Auntie Sati

Ambassador Lee Ocran of blessed Memory & Auntie Sati, I owe you much gratitude. You opened your home to me and through that offered me the opportunity to meet many great politicians. You both taught me many secrets in politics and how to handle politicians. May my God bless you Auntie Sati. You drew my attention to the advert in the News papers by the Ghana Immigration Service seeking for lawyers and that is how I applied, got interviewed and started working at the Ghana Immigration Service. May the good Lord grant you long life and great successes in your old age. God bless you.

Pastor Eastwood Anaba

Pastor Eastwood, God bless you. The very first time we met face to face was when I gave you the manuscript of this Book and graciously asked you to write a review for me. You were in town on a tight and busy schedule but yet, you found time some way somehow, and wrote the review for me. I am most grateful. You are an example to many and I am glad to be associated with you.

Rev Paul Adu

Rev Paul Adu, my God, what a mentor! You have invested so much time and energy in me over the years. I can proudly say that I am your Legacy. I thank God for your life. May every investment you have made in me yield a million fold blessings into your life. God bless you.

Dr Prah

Dr Prah, you have known me for just about three years yet you speak about me to others as though we have known each other for decades. I am very grateful for the time you spent to read the Manuscript and write such a profound and encouraging Review. You never hesitate to tell people what a wonderful Book this is and with such admirable sincerity. May the good Lord bless you on every side and put a new song in your mouth.

Jerry John Rawlings

Chief, (this is how you insisted I called you) I can never forget your love and care. Connecting me to His Eminence the Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams was the most singular act that opened my eyes to many spiritual battles that existed in my life without my knowledge. It is unfortunate you passed on before I wrote this Book. But, your memory lives on in my heart. Rest in peace until we meet again. Sleep well Chief, sleep well.

H.E Paa Kwesi Amissah-Arthur

UPK, that I can read and write, that am a lawyer, that I had the opportunity to meet influential people in Ghana at a relatively young age is all because of you. I can never write my life History without mentioning you by name. You were my uncle but you played the role of a super Dad. I am indebted to you and I thank you.

Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams

Papa, Papa, Papa, God bless you.
God bless you real good for your love and kindness towards my household. Because of your spiritual covering over my family, I know there are some battles that we will have no need to fight. You have been of great help to me and I am ever so grateful. May you live to see many more years of sweet victories. AmenπŸ™πŸΏ

Ms Kate Annan Wilberforce

Sister Kate, may my God bless you. You were one of my pillars in my formative years and I am most grateful. I don’t know what you saw in me that fateful day in that Form 2 J class but we clicked from day one and we have been inseparable since then. We have become family and only the good Lord could create and orchestrate such a relationship. Live long and prosper. May the lines fall for you in all the pleasant places and may you keep soaring like an eagle all the days of your life.

Mrs Rosina Acheampong

Mother Archie, O how I thought you didn’t like me when I was a student. But little did I know that it was rather how much you loved me that made you push me so hard. On my last day on Gey Hey soil after my A’ Levels you hugged me and said, ‘ the sky is your limit. Those words have proven prophetic. You have followed my every step since I finished Gey Hey in 1994. When I had my children, you paid a visit and sat with me for hours. I appreciate everything you have done for me over the years. You showed me tough love and I have Iearnt a great deal from it. God bless you real good and grant you good health. Live long and prosper.

Ms Korkor Amartefio

Auntie K, you were a mother. You and Professor Amoako treated me like your last born. You protected me and shielded me from vampires and vultures in the entertainment industry at that young age. You were always quick to teach me something new. We had great fun on our birthdays as all 3 of us were born in June. I owe you a lot. God bless you for all the love you poured into me and the many opportunities you offered me at that young age. God bless you Auntie K, God bless you.

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