Sneak Peek of some of the Chapters in the Book



“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; And I will not remember your sins.” Isaiah 43:25

I started having sex as a teenager. I had a boyfriend in my teens. The boy was well known to my grandparents. His grandmother and mine were in the same church together. He was well known to my siblings, my cousins, uncles and aunties, all my friends in secondary school and just about anybody who knew us at that age.

Interestingly, his mum was providing us with condoms for sex. He was my childhood sweetheart and the love of my life. We got engaged in 1996 when I turned 22 but I broke off the engagement three years later. He was three years ahead of me in education even though he was just a year older than me. When he finished 6th Form, he continued to the US to study and I remained here. Once we were in the relationship, I was pretty careful with the opposite sex. However, I think when I broke off the engagement, I felt free and that freedom would lead me on a very dangerous sexual path.


By 2009, I had started getting serious with the Lord but it had not stopped me from fornicating. I was a believer speaking in tongues but I was still indulging in illicit sex. I had tried using will power but it didn’t work. I had made it a prayer topic for a few years but it did not look like that particular prayer topic was working.

One night as I lay down, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Get up, take a piece of paper and write down the names of all the men you have slept with.” I got up, took a piece of paper and started listing them. When I wouldn’t remember a name, He would give me an incident or a period in my life and draw my attention to the person I was with during that period.

 After I was done, he said, “I am going to lead you to break soul ties with all these men”. I had no clue what that meant but about this time I had started obeying the voice even if it didn’t make sense. He said,’ mention each name in full and say, I deploy the blood of Jesus and cancel any soul tie I have with this person as a result of sexual intercourse.” I obeyed and went through the list whilst praying as He had directed. Frankly, I don’t recollect that anything significant happened at the end of that prayer session. I know I added to the list a few more names after that because I would be taken through this process a few more times a couple of years after that night.

A few years later I was introduced to books by Abraham Chigbundu13. He has a deliverance ministry and has a lot of books on deliverance. It is when I read a chapter on self-deliverance that I understood what the Holy Spirit made me do several years ago.

Why didn’t I stop the very first time I went through the process, especially when I was led through it by the Holy Spirit? I got the answer in one of his books. I found out that I lacked knowledge and the requisite scriptures needed to help me sustain the action I had taken that night. By the grace of God, I got the necessary scriptures from his books. I also made it a point to continually make the declarations that pertained to sexual sin and soul ties on the last pages of the books.

By the time I was ready to get married, I had lost the insatiable and unhealthy appetite for illegitimate sex. Th Lord, in His mercies, delivered me from the practice and prepared me well enough to be able to stay faithful in my marriage. Glory to Jesus. My dear friend, if He did it for me then He can do it for you also. In my case He used the process of self-deliverance. Maybe in your case, He may use a different method but my dear friends, He is well and able to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and make us available for His use. Avail yourself for we have been created for His pleasure. He says in Isaiah 43:25 “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; And I will not remember your sins.”

Note from the above scripture that He blots out our transgressions for His own sake. You may be reading this book and saying “was this really necessary? Did she have to include this portion in the book?” Yes, I got strict instructions to include this in the book because my dear friend, it does not matter how anybody sees me or thinks of me after reading this. Th One Whose I am and Whom I serve says He has blotted my transgressions, for His sake and shall remember my sins no more.

If He has decided not to remember them, why should I live in shame? Why should I be bothered about speaking about it? He does not remember and it is enough for me. Glory Hallelujah!

13 Bishop Abraham Chigbundu is a renowned Apostle of Deliverance based in Benin City, Nigeria





When my mother noticed that I had started getting serious with my spiritual life, she started talking to me about water baptism. Her usual argument was summed up in this phrase: “You have to fulfil all righteousness so you need the water baptism.”

By 2009, I had started fellowshipping at the prayer café for three years. One day Rev. Abena Boamaa Asare came to minister at the prayer café and conducted the Holy Spirit Baptism. Unfortunately, I did not receive the gift at the meeting even though others did.


I remember that night, as I was interceding for a friend with pancreatic cancer, I realized that my words had changed. They were no longer making sense to me. It was at this moment I noticed I had received the gift of speaking in tongues.

Subsequently in October of that same year, Apostle Dan Clad had come to minister at the prayer café. After the meeting I asked him if he would baptise me in water. He agreed.

The day for the baptism came somewhere around the end of October 2009. As he dipped me in the water and I was coming out, I heard my phone ring. I picked up the phone and it was Rev. Abena Asare. She said “Kuu, I just had a revelation where I saw I was in a meeting with professional women praying and the Holy Spirit was so strong. I believe the Lord has asked me to start a prayer meeting with professional women and I would like you to be part of that group.

“Now, I found the timing of this particular call very interesting. I was convinced it was orchestrated by the Holy Spirit Himself. It could not be coincidental that when I was coming out of the water after having been baptised, Rev. Asare was calling to ask me to join her to start a prayer meeting with professional women. I had just fulfilled all righteousness and already the Holy Spirit was going to give me an assignment? I was touched.

The name she had gotten for the group was LADIES OF SUBSTANCE INTERNATIONAL NETWORK (LOSIN). On November 21, 2009, seven of us met at Hephzibah Christian Centre Aburi14, and that was the foundation and birth of LOSIN.

14 Hephzibah is a non-denominational Christian Retreat Centre serving the Christian community. It is in Aburi, in the Eastern Region of Ghana. It was established in 2002





 I didn’t know my biological father. I was raised by my grandparents with support from my maternal uncle, the late Paa Kwesi Amissah-Arthur (UPK). He was the second born after my mother. He was responsible for my education so I owe my career to him. He was in the PNDC17 when I was growing up. UPK, as far as my memory goes, was the Under-Secretary for Finance under the PNDC regime. Usually on vacations, my grandmother would ask that I go and stay with him and “serve” him. I’d stay with him sometimes but I doubt if I ever served him. It was the vacations with him that I got introduced to his friends who were in government at the time. As his first niece, I was much older than his biological children so I was always seen more or less by his friends as his firstborn. When I finished school and started working, I had to stop his friends from introducing me thus, “this is Kuukua, Paa Kwesi’s niece.”


His Excellency, the late Prof. Atta Mills18 was his very good friend. He would visit on Sundays after church so I had the opportunity to ‘serve’ him when he came to the house.

By 2003, Prof. Mills had been tipped to be the flagbearer of the NDC19. I was now a lawyer working with Tony Lithur20. I had the opportunity of working with Tony Lithur because he was the lawyer for one Eddie Annan21, the CEO of Masai Motors and a very good friend of my uncle. UPK was his Board Chair for a number of years.

 One day when I was visiting my uncle, I met Eddie Annan (EA) at the gate. He asked what I was doing now that I was a lawyer. I mentioned to him that I was going to do my National service at the Attorney General’s office after which I would figure out what to do. That’s when he offered to speak to Mr. Lithur to ask if I could come and work with him after my service.

 When I started working with Tony Lithur, he was handling a few high-profile cases at the time. A couple of the cases involved Eddie Annan (EA). My relationship with EA, as we called him, was such that each day after we closed from court, we would go to his house to have lunch before going back to the chambers. This practice continued the entire three years I spent at Tony Lithur’s chambers. During this period, the late Prof. Atta Mills would swing by EA’s house to swim in the afternoon and we would have general discussion about the race for the flagbearer and possible running mates he would go with. At the time, John Mahama (JM)22 was the MP for Bole Bamboi. He was the most likely candidate but he was hesitant to take up the challenge. EA had earlier introduced me to John Mahama. Eventually, his wife Lordina, his brothers and sisters all became my friends. It was because of my association with all these people that I began to flirt with politics. One day, the late Prof. Mills asked that I become his spokesperson for the campaign. I was hesitant so I decided to discuss it with my uncle. That was when he taught me a very good lesson. He was in London at the time so we had the discussion over the phone. After I had finished telling him everything he asked, “Who are you?“ I got confused so I asked, more like thinking aloud…”Who am I?” And he responded “Yes, who are you?” I realised that I did not understand the question. He said, “Do you want to be known as Kuukua, Paa Kwesi’s niece forever or do you want to be known as Kuukua the professional?”

 He shared his opinion with me and it was full of wisdom. He told me that, in his opinion, I was a young lawyer and yet to have my feet on the ground. He discussed the dangers in politics and how I had to be prepared to be marked for life as belonging to one political party. He shared his own experiences with me but left me with the opinion to decide on my own.

 I had already been bitten by the bug for politics and gotten really interested in it so, even though I didn’t take up the formal position offered, I decided to work in the background when the opportunity arose to consider JM as the running mate to Professor Mills. Within the same circle of friends, I had gotten acquainted with Tony’s client Sati Ocran. Her late husband Ambassador Lee Ocran (former Ambassador to South Africa) was an astute politician and I simply loved to listen to his stories on the political landscape before my time. He became the one I would bounce serious political issues off. This would be my life until, in 2008, the late Prof. Atta Mills became President and JM, his Vice President.

During the administration of the late Prof. Mills’, I served on the GRIDCO23 Board from 2009 to 2013.When JM became President in 2012, I served on the EDAIF24 Board between 2013 and 2016

To date, many people who knew me within those circles keep asking if I’m still in politics or would like to do mainstream politics. However, over the past few years, I have realised I don’t have the same zeal I had between 2003 and 2008. It suddenly struck me one day that, unlike many who enter politics for reasons like wanting to help their constituents etc., I only considered what I did as a project. It seems to me that I had a project to ensure that JM became the running mate of the late Prof. Mills. Once that had happened and he had moved on to becoming President on the passing of Prof. Mills, I felt as though my work was done. It still feels like that but life has many twists and turns. Only God has the final answer and knows the next minute from the other so even though I won’t rule anything out, my joy currently is in helping fellow Christians develop personal relationships with the Holy Spirit through the knowledge I have acquired through the many books and lessons the Holy Spirit has been teaching me over the past decade.

17 PNDC: The Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC) was the name of the Ghanaian government after the People’s National Party’s elected government was overthrown by Jerry Rawlings, the former head of the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council, in a coup d’état on 31 December,1981
18 The late Prof J. E. Atta-Mills was President of Ghana from 2008 to 2012

19 The National Democratic Congress is a social democratic political party in Ghana

20 Renowned Ghanaian Lawyer and Managing Partner at LithurBrew & Company

21 Eddie Annan: The current Accountable Manager for PassionAir, a local Airline in Ghana

22 John Mahama, President of Ghana from 2012 to 2016

23 Ghana Grid Company is an electricity transmission company in Ghana

24 Export Trade, Agricultural & Industrial Development Fund





“Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the [a]fowlers; The snare is broken, and we have escaped.

” Psalm 124:7 I started working with the Ghana Immigration Service in 2006. In October 2007, I received a memo indicating that I was supposed to attend the Ghana Immigration Training Academy at Assin Fosu for physical training to become a Commissioned Officer. I was irritated. I believed that, as a lawyer, I should have been given notice that this training was part of the condition precedent for the employment. That wasn’t the case. In my estimation, I was just a lawyer working with the service. I had no intention of becoming a Commissioned Officer. I believed they should have told me during the interview process or when I was picking up my appointment. I, therefore, decided to take the management on and there would be some exchanging of memos between us. I was bent on making sure I didn’t go for the training based on the above reasons.


Another source for my irritation was that in the previous year I had travelled to the United States, where I developed a very painful back ache. I had to take a series of x-rays and tests to finally discover I had developed scoliosis. I, therefore, felt that if the service had done things properly, they would have been informed of the back pain issue.

A few people spoke to me and convinced me to drop my rigid stance and go for the training. On January 2, 2008, I arrived at Assin Fosu for my training. By this time, the other recruits had been in training for about a month. I quickly assimilated into the training program and followed what my colleagues had already started doing. I didn’t have any issues with my back, or with the instructions that were given by the instructors. In fact, at Assin Fosu, I enjoyed myself and the training. During the parade for passing out, I was made the 2nd-in-Command to the Parade Commander and matched with the Sword. I was commissioned on April 4, 2008.

On the night of the graduation, I was sitting with some of the instructors having a merry good time when one of the instructors turned to me and said, “In fact, Madam, you have really put all of us to shame.” I was taken aback and I asked why. Apparently, news of my back-and-forth memos with management had reached the training school. !is had created the impression among the instructors that a too-known lawyer at the head office was refusing to come to the Academy for her training. Eventually, when they heard I was on my way to the training centre, they had plotted to stretch, punish and make me suffer throughout the training. !ey had set a trap for me. He said they were so shocked at my level of submission despite being a qualified lawyer and also because I outranked them; so, after the third day, they abandoned their plan.

It is important to note that all this I was hearing was a day before my departure from the training Academy. Unknown to me was the fact that, throughout the time I was undergoing the training, I was being closely monitored. My every move was closely watched by the instructors who in their plans were looking for the slightest slip up which they could use to execute their plans. I didn’t even know this plan had backfired and that I had rather won their admiration. 71 An available VESSEL for the Lord’s pleasure The Lord went ahead of me to nullify their plans.

The Holy Spirit also granted me a humble and obedient spirit to go through the training. My spiritual father Archbishop Duncan[1]Williams always says that “vindication is in the womb of time.” I didn’t know what they had said and discussed about me and I didn’t also know what I was walking into but the Lord vindicated me and made them confess the trap they had set for me. But my soul escaped like a bird from the snare of the fowler. Glory Hallelujah!!!





“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” Number 23:19

Whilst breastfeeding my second born, John, around 2 a.m. sometime in February 2017, I heard “inflatable balloon business”. John was only three weeks old.

 In the next few minutes, the Holy Spirit began to teach me how to start an inflatable business. Right there he gave me the name of the business: DUDU N J PLAYDEN.

 The lady who took care of Samuel had a nice pet name for him: Dudu. The J is the first letter of John’s name. The Holy Spirit has a sense of humour. He said, “the name sounds just like a cartoon character.” Then He added that all the inflatable balloons should be custom-made in cartoon characters.


When God makes a way, He also makes provision. We had a client who had business dealings in China. I was led to discuss the business with him. He made some contacts and found me a company in China that was prepared to work with me to do our own customised cartoon-themed bouncy castles and waterslides. By July, we were able to pay the company to start production.

As always, the Lord was ahead of me. That year Joy FM, an Accra based radio station, decided to have a children’s programme at the Legon Botanical Gardens27 on December 26, 2017. We had just been given an opportunity to showcase all the six bouncy castles that arrived only a few weeks earlier on.

 This event proved to be a blessing as we got enough pictures and videos of the kids playing in the bouncy castles. These we would later use for our advertisement on all our social media channels. Preparing towards the Joy FM event, I needed a photographer badly. I contacted a friend I had known. He connected me to his colleague, Emmanuel Mensah who came with another friend, Peter Konadu. For some unknown reason, these young men were more interested in working with me than how much I would pay them.

When I mentioned to them that I needed a social media person to handle the accounts online, these gentlemen recommended Paul Kelly. I am mentioning these young people because they ended up becoming the team I have worked with since the Joy FM program in 2017.

To date, Paul is still handling my social media platforms and is my content creator. Emmanuel and Peter have covered every event I have organised in the past four years.

Once the idea was given, the provision and all the supplies were made available. The Holy Spirit orchestrated and brought the hands and the people to make sure the vision was realised.

Glory Hallelujah!!

 You may visit the website of DudunJ at: www.dudunjplayden. com

27 Legon Botanical Garden: beautiful outdoor play space for persons of all ages located in the University of Ghana Legon, Accra.




(LSG Co Ltd)

On June 29, 2018, about 6 a.m., my phone started ringing off the hook. I was getting an influx of messages at the same time. What was happening? My uncle, the one responsible for my education, the former Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, had collapsed in the gym and died shortly afterwards at the 37 Military hospital28.

 My morning had started off with such tragic news. I called my cousin; he wouldn’t pick the call. I called my other uncle; his line was engaged and yet calls kept coming asking whether what they had heard was true. After about 30 minutes, my brother finally called and confirmed the devastating news. I still do not have the exact details of what happened that day.


A few days later, one of my husband’s friends who had relocated to Ghana from the United States came to visit us. As we spoke, the conversation moved towards emergency preparedness.

He mentioned how in the United States such practices were taught in schools and the need to have same in Ghana.

He mentioned that he is a certified trainer with the American Heart Association. Just when he said it, a light bulb went off in my head. I said “Kyei, why don’t we form a company and do just that?” Yep, right there at our dining table, we started discussion on how to set up a company to train people in emergency preparedness. That was the birth of Life Support Ghana (LSG Co Ltd). Life Support Ghana provides training in emergency preparedness to organisations such as hospitals, clinics, gyms, churches and government offices. It is our belief that sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. However, if there are trained personnel on site, there is a much greater chance of survival. Often, whether someone will survive a medical emergency depends on what happens from the time the emergency occurs to when the ambulance arrives. We registered the company in October 2018.

By December 2018, we had procured a few manikins and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) trainers and we were good to go. On February 4, 2019, we started our first training with 21 people. By the end of 2019, we had provided emergency preparedness training to about 25 companies and a few individuals too. These companies included a gymnasium, hospitals, churches, schools and private security agencies and an Airline.

My dear friend, right at our dining table, the Holy Spirit had turned the adversity that had hit the family into an opportunity to educate the general public on emergency preparedness. The Holy Spirit speaks with us always. Let us continually open up our spirits to receive from Him. He does not only speak to us through prophets in prayer meetings. He can speak to us at anytime and anywhere at all as He pleases.

The covid pandemic only succeeded in putting the activities of the company temporarily on hold because the training is very hands-on and involves a lot of contact. By the grace of God, the company will take off from where we left off in 2019 and continue with the good work it started to the Glory of God. Amen! You may visit the website of Life Support Ghana at


28 The 37 Military Hospital is a 400-bed Military hospital located in Accra, the Capital of Ghana. It is the largest military hospital in the country.





“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing— Life forevermore.” Psalm 133:1-3

I became friends with Kojo Asante-Abedi. His younger sister is married to one of my cousins. Somehow, we developed a friendship outside that relationship and we became very close. I lost touch briefly with him between 2014 and 2018. We got back in touch and, whilst we were talking, he mentioned that he was a member of Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI). I had attended their breakfast meetings between 2006 and 2007. I assumed it was only for men and did not pay much attention to it. He invited me to one of their seminar meetings and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I made up my mind to join the group. I did.


I got pinned as a member in November 2018. My husband followed me to that pinning ceremony and chose to join the fellowship as well. By March 2019, he had been pinned as a member and, by October 2019 he had been elected President of our Chapter (Airport City Chapter), just seven months after being a member of the fellowship.


By 2018, when I had become a member of FGBMFI, I had bagged a number of testimonies in my life. Most of these testimonies will be shared in this book. I was, therefore, thrilled to find out that the fellowship’s focus was on winning souls through testimonies. I immediately felt at home. I had found the platform for my ministry: sharing my testimonies with others so they can also experience the love, mercy and grace of God and then seek to develop a personal relationship with Jesus. I was so elated.


Through the FGBMFI fellowship, the Holy Spirit has led me to groups of people, who have encouraged and urged me on to even write this book. Anytime I share a testimony, people would tell me that it would be great to put the testimonies in a book for people to read because each testimony conveys a special message. To the glory of God, I have come to the point of actually doing just that and here you are with the book in your hands.

May the Holy Spirit use each testimony to bless you in a special way. Amen





“He has put a new song in my mouth— Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear and will trust in the LORD.” Psalm 40:3

I had decided to home-school my children. Sometime during the program, I felt I needed to introduce music. I wanted them to learn hymns particularly. I am from a Methodist background and I love hymns. I am now in a charismatic church where my children are growing up. We don’t sing hymns in church so I thought to introduce that to them privately.


 I needed an organ and an organist who would come in, at least twice a week, to play hymns for them and to also teach them to play the organ when they are of age.

I got introduced to one Judi Cael. He is an organist at my church. I later found out that he is a musician and a sound engineer. He got the organ for me and also agreed to come by the house twice a week to play the organ for the children as part of their lessons.

Sometime in November 2019, after he had been with us for about a year, I sensed that particular day when he came that we should sing hymns. When he got to the house, he brought out the organ from the children’s classroom and brought it to the hall so we could do that

Just when we started, I was led to sing and pray in tongues and he joined me. I would only pause to tell him which hymn to play next. My dear friend, this went on for over three hours. Suddenly, I felt instructed to tell him to open up. The Holy Spirit said, “Tell him I’m sending a song into his spirit.” In less than five minutes after I had told him he started singing, “Oh Lord, oh Lord, your love never fails. Oh Lord, oh Lord your love never fails.”

 Judi Cael received his single Never Fails32 whilst praying and singing in tongues with me in my hall. Being a sound engineer with his own studio, he would later record the song and make it ready for the market in March 2020.

When he sent me the finished work and I listened to it I heard, “Put together a video for him.” The Holy Spirit, subsequently, gave me the concept for the video. As God will have it, three years prior, he had orchestrated and given me a media team when I started Dudu and J Play Den. I called on the team and together, I directed the production of the music video for Never Fails.

 The music can be downloaded and streamed on all major music and video platforms.

The Holy Spirit is indeed awesome. I pray that every person who reads this book will desire a personal relationship with Him. Amen.

32 Available via





In 2017, I got a group of intercessors from church and put them together to help augment my prayers. This is a group of four young men who are in the Intercession Department of my church. Initially we would meet to pray only when I needed them to assist me on a particular issue. However, in 2018, I decided that they should meet in my house every month to pray. The group was made up of two Beninois and two Ghanaians.

Soon after we started the monthly meetings, the leader of the group got his American Green card and left for the USA so he handed over the leadership to the other Beninois. He then recruited a Cameroonian into the group. Towards the end of 2019, the leader of the group, Chris, told me that the Cameroonian had returned to school and wanted my permission to recruit another person. This is how Bernard Quaye joined us.


In January 2020, we met to pray in my house. Usually, whilst praying, we would pace up and down in the room speaking in tongues. On this occasion, any time I passed by Bernard, I would hear “Ask him if he has a child.” After a number of promptings, I interrupted the meeting and asked him.

When I did, he said “No” and that he had been married for three years but have no children yet. Then, the Holy Spirit told me to tell him “You think you have come to pray for me and my family but the Lord says I should tell you that you have come to receive your miracle.”

The Holy Spirit asked me to give him the names of my two sons and ask him to wake up at midnight each day to pray for them as though he was praying for his own children. Six weeks later, he came to tell me his wife was pregnant for the first time since they had been married. We continued to bear them up in prayer.

One day at my usual Morning Glory prayer meetings, I was kneeling at the altar praying when I heard that I should tell Bernard that, if the child was a boy, he should name him Nicholas, after Papa. The Holy Spirit explained that it was through the Action Chapel that we got connected and through me the Lord had opened his wife’s womb. I forgot to tell him.

The following week, I was not at home when they came to pray so I couldn’t join them. I got back when they were about finished. Then one of the intercessors told me that when they were praying for Bernard’s wife and the pregnancy, the Holy Spirit told them to ask me about the name of the child because He had already revealed it to me. That was when I remembered what He had told me the week before at the altar. So, I told him. Thy didn’t know the sex of the baby at the time because the pregnancy was only about eight weeks old.

A few months later, Bernard came to announce that the child was a boy. From that day we started praying for the wife and Nicholas by name.

In November 2020, Bernard’s wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and named him Nicholas. Glory be to God!





On October 30, 2020, I was alone in my room praying in the middle of the night. I had nurtured the desire to pray in tongues always and, after a while, the desire became a zealous habit. I could not settle to sleep until I had spent some time praying in tongues. There were days that it would just be a minute and then I would fall asleep. Other times It could last for an hour or two and in most cases, when there is something pressing, the Holy Spirit would lead me to pray till dawn

On this particular night as I was praying, I heard two things:

  1. Tell Papa to autograph some of his books and send them as a birthday gift to your grandmother (she turned 92 on November 3, 2020)
  2. Buy a box of communion elements and wrap that for her.


The second instruction didn’t make much sense but I obeyed. The next day I went to purchase the box of communion elements. It had 400 communion elements. When I looked at the box, it was to expire in May 2021. I got concerned because I couldn’t tell what she was going to do with 400 elements of communion within the next six months.

On November 1, 2020, I travelled with the family to visit her. We delivered our gifts, spent some time with her and then returned to Accra.

When we got back, she called, thanking me profusely for the autographed books and the communion elements. Then she said something very surprising.

Apparently, she had purposed in her heart to do something different for her 92nd birthday. According to her, she had tithed most of her life and therefore wanted to do something different. Seeing the box of communion elements, she had an idea of what to do apart from continuing to tithe. She decided that going forward she would give two boxes of communion elements to the Church every first Sunday of the Month. Obedience indeed is better than sacrifice.

All I had to do was to obey what seemed like nonsense when I heard from the Lord. The Lord indeed knows all things and His Spirit searches through the heart and reports to the Father, who provides our needs. The Lord had heard my Grandma’s request and by His design He had instructed me to provide for her. Subsequently, the Holy Spirit instructed that I make provision for the two boxes of communion elements for the church on her behalf for the rest of her life.

Has the Lord told you to do anything that sounds like nonsense? My sister, my brother, my friend please ACT upon that word because you may be answering someone’s prayer. Please yield to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and be a blessing to the Body of Christ.





My husband was born in September. On the eve of his birthday in 2020, I suddenly had an urge to pray in the spirit. I was not sure what exactly I was dealing with but I just decided to flow in the spirit. This went on for almost an hour. Then, I received two strange instructions. One was the format for this book and the other was for me to honour my grandmother publicly by putting a song she had sang on YouTube and boost it for the entire day, which was my husband’s birthday


How does this make sense? What is the connection between that and my husband’s birthday, I wondered? He answered and said, “Pray for long life for him. As you honour your Grandma who turns 92 in November, you are sowing a seed of long life into your husband.” So, I obeyed and continued praying. It was one very long night. I must have gone back to sleep around 4 a.m. Before I went to bed, I sent that particular song (I had a voice recording of her singing our Family Anthem, For The Might of Thine Arm) so I sent it to Paul with a picture of her and told him to do an artwork and create a YouTube channel for her33

He must have thought I was crazy but he did it anyway. That song had over 800 people viewing it that day alone

About three weeks later, my husband took ill and was diagnosed with Covid. It was serious enough to warrant admission for observation. That night, I heard, “Galvanise prayers for him.” I did but I was very calm and collected. So, I went to the Holy Spirit and inquired, “Holy Spirit, why am I so calm about this situation?” and He said, “You handled it on his birthday. You sowed a seed to reap long life for him when you honoured your Grandma according to the direction I gave you. This is what that direction was meant to achieve.” Amazing. His ways are surely not our ways

To the Glory of God, no one else had Covid in the household. We tested eleven people who had come into contact with him during that period and we were all negative. The Lord indeed knows His own and He cares for them.

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My name is Felicia Ashley. Kuukua and I share a friendship and sisterhood that dates back over thirty years, when we met at Wesley Girls’ High School as classmates from Form One to Upper Six.

God has given me the gift of a voice to minister in His presence. I have been in the choir right from secondary school, through university and at my church where I used to lead worship. I was also the choir director before I got married and joined my husband’s church choir.


I have always known that there is more for me to do in the singing ministry but I have been terrified of coming out beyond the usual choir ministry at church. About six years ago, the Lord laid on my heart to put together an album of hymns to His glory. The intention was to do it and launch it on my 40th birthday at the time. Somehow, my insecurities and the busyness of life in general prevented me from doing just that. I had mentioned it to a few Christian friends.

In 2020, the need to do the album was impressed upon my heart once again by the Spirit of God. In the first quarter of the year, the same day after sowing into a colleague Christian’s music album, I received an unexpected call from Kuukua specifically telling me that the Holy Spirit had laid on her heart that morning while she was praying to put me in touch with a particular producer/ musician who would help produce my album of hymns. She asked me when I would want to launch it and I said on my birthday in 2020.

To the glory of God that dream/vision of a hymns album has become a reality: The Sound of Hymns was outdoored on my birthday. It was not launched in the traditional way: just a simple outdooring of the hymns at home but God has said it will go far to touch lives. The testimonies that have already poured in so far testify that The Sound of Hymns is truly God’s project.

 The sense of peace I feel in my heart is amazing. Like the parable of the talents, God is using this project to demonstrate that it is not about how much talent you have but rather what you do with what God has given you, no matter how small.

So Kuukua’s obedience in delivering the message has borne fruit: the fruit of The Sound of Hymns, which is a memorial to God and is a channel of evangelism to draw souls to Jesus and to revive in believers the spirit of worship through hymns. God bless you for your obedience, Kuukua





I am Beverly Amankwa. At one of the chapter meetings in January 2020, during praise and worship, Kuukua asked to speak and when she took the microphone, she sensed the urge to call me out so all the members would pray for me. She specifically asked me whether I had intention of getting married that year because the Holy Spirit was saying that we should pray that I get married that year.

I confirmed what she had received from the Holy Spirit by saying a date had been set in May. She then told me that the Lord said we should pray that the date would not be postponed. That if the date was postponed, it would scuttle the marriage. She said we should pray that the marriage would take place that year, i.e., 2020.


The country went into lockdown in March/April so our plans for the May wedding had to be put on hold. That is when I remembered the revelation that had come through her about the possible postponement of the marriage. One day she called and said that we should set a new date so that we start praying specifically for the date.

I went into prayer and I got the date in August and we started praying into that date as she had suggested. We had our engagement in June and on the dawn of the engagement, she called and prayed with me on the phone. To the glory of God, on August 29, 2020, I was successfully married to my husband.

 I later found out that what she did at the seminar that day was the first time she had been led to do so publicly in that manner. Apart from me, she also called out a few others and asked that we pray for them.

I thank God she obeyed the voice of the Holy Spirit and got all the members to pray for me. I don’t know what plans the enemy had and what would have happened when we couldn’t get married in May as planned but God always has the back of His children and He chose to use Kuukua on that day to save my marriage. In June 2021, I gave birth to a beautiful girl. God is faithful.



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